Thursday 4 February 2016


          Here is shocking data on the number of males who get laid by an average campus girl.
          The content is explicit. Any liability it may cause such as divorce or break ups as at the reader’s risk. The statistics and data has been collected on many campuses across the country, that including both public and private colleges.
        During the first year of enrollment, a campus girl is usually naïve and easy to spot out, this leaves her prone to all the dangers awaiting; team mafisi, fellow freshmen, lecturers and sponsors.
The newly enrolled campus girl it hit up by 4 guys mostly 3rd and 4th years during her first semester of refreshment. In her second semester of refreshment she gets banged up by 3 males. This makes her  body count 7.
       She then breaks for holiday and makes a re-union with her high school boyfriend, she usually cheats on her with one male during the holiday span. This brings the body count to 9.
      The campus girl resumes to school for her second year. She gets hooked up by 3 males not to mention she has already started dating with sponsors who fund her, on average 2 father daddies, bringing the body count to 14. She then breaks for her second holiday where an average of 2 males get laid by her, raising body count to 16. The campus girl resumes for her 3rd year and 4th year studies. Sponsors and one night stands are a more frequent culture as her legs are used to getting apart that she no longer cares. She helps curb dry spells to an average of 4 males in each academic year 3rd and 4th year respectively, this consequently boosts the body count to 24.
       After graduation the campus girl gets run over by an average of 3 males; her senior manager, a guy she met at a pub, and a one night stand. Her body count goes up, to 27. Then she meets the man of her dreams, body count still counting! This is for an average reserved campus girl, for those who are addicted to getting into the sheets the body count may be somewhere around 40.
       Guys, before you marry a campus girl never ever ask her about her past or you will be in for a shock but be aware her body count is somewhere slightly  above your age or your age and her body count are even.

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