Saturday 6 February 2016


      The following is based on real life story. Janet a prostitute at age 18 decided to share her life’s story (name changed for privacy purposes)
      The following are viewed as vices in our society; Prostitution, Abortion, Deadbeat relatives not to mention many more.
      However, some people live as culprits of practicing the vices. A situation they have to fight for the rest of their lives with consequences thereafter being mental, emotional or even physical.
      As it is all known to everyone, life is not fair. It’s a jungle where every species struggle for survival or else be wiped out from the face of the earth by nightmares such as poverty, overdue bills, lack of basic needs, that being food shelter clothing, and most of all failing those who look up to you for survival.
      Janet, 18 years old is a form three high school drop out who has been in prostitution for 4 months now. She told me its her friend who lured her to indulge into prostitution. At the time her friend approached her she had not much of a choice. But it all started somewhere.
Janet is a victim of irresponsible teenage sex. It dawned on her that she was 4 months pregnant while she was still in high school in form three. The pregnancy sparked a lot of pressure, criticism from her older siblings. She dropped out of school and unlike many other girls in our society, she decided to carry her pregnancy to term.
      Janet who is an orphan is the last born in their family.
      Janet, now a mother got a helping hand from her grandmother who offered to stay with her child while she went to fend for money for her child upkeep.
With the help of her older brother, Janet rented a house in one of Nairobi’s slums. Her brother who was working supported her financially while she was searching for a job. After 2 months without getting a job, things got worse when her brother lost his job. Janet, her child, her other siblings and her grandmother had no one looking after them since her brother, their breadwinner had lost his job. Getting a job for Janet got hard since she had no qualification. That is when her friend approached her and told her of a job in town. Janet had no choice since things had gotten too hard for her.
      Janet prepared and accompanied her friend to Nairobi CBD where she would be shown the ‘job’ That was the day Janet became a commercial sex worker at age 18!
      Four months down the line Janet is still into prostitution with the hope of ‘things getting better’. She is now glad her child can dress well and live a good life.

I classify it a case of Choices Vs Circumstances!

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